Going down from Wisata Panatapan Dolok Nagugun Sipira to Ecovillage Silimalombu
It is going down from 1480 m to 945 m above Sea level. The distance is just 1,15 km. This is an average gradient of more then 50 %. In some parts it is going nearly direct down of walls for up to 10 meter.
We put 750 m of an 32mm rope inside of the hiking trail, where it is comfortable to hold and save you with a climbing equipment. Around 80 % of the trail is inside of an untouched original rainforest.
We offer a full tour with a hiking instructor. It starts from Tomok or Silimalombu (pickup and drop to Tuktuk additional Rp. 100.000) with a Ford Ranger for up to 8 people up the Mountain. We will visit the Aek Natonang, a lake on the top of Samosir, with another island in the lake. We go to the starting point, the View point. There you will get a full equipment for climbing down with belt, helmet, gloves and safety ropes. We will introduce you in the usage of the belt and the ropes. We will serve you snacks and coffee there. Also you can look at the coffee plantation there.
The hike/climbing down will take around 2 hours. It depends on the people, how they can go around in an partly really steep environment, where you have to look down for 10 meters and you have to trust you yourself and the rope.
Arriving in the Ecovillage Silimalombu you just take a refreshing swim in the lake, we offer you a Buffet from the things, what we harvesting in our organic permaculture food forest. Also you can try our mango Wines and spirits.
And we light up our Sauna, that your Body can relax after the tour. We bring you back to Tomok.
And we make you a documentary about your hike and prepare you this for Instagram, if you want.
We offer the tour for Rp. 2.000.000 plus 150.000 per person.